
Senior Software Developer

Experienced Senior Software Developer with over a decade of expertise in building applications for the web and mobile across diverse industries. I specialize in crafting clean, flexible code to drive high quality user interfaces. Proeficient with modern front-end frameworks, with extensive knowledge on user psychology and user experience design. Notable achievements in redesigning and refactoring an application that is used in drug research discovery, and affects peoples’ health around the globe.


Senior Software Developer, Lazíts!

Jun 2021 -

  • Co-founded a mobile application that helps people relieve mental health problems with certified Silva-method experts
  • Develop, maintain and support a cross-platform mobile application with Flutter for Android and iOS with a Firebase back-end that has 4.7k registered users
  • Develop a desktop admin application with Flutter for MacOS to simplify content management
  • Managing cloud infrastructure for different build flavors to enable on device manual testing of critical features

Senior Software Developer, Telebond

Oct 2015 - Jun 2021

  • Leading the front-end development of a startup based on peer-to-peer video calls combined with payment
  • Architectured a modern, testable single page application with React and Redux
  • Developed a cross-platform React Native mobile application for Android and iOS to complement existing web-client
  • Mitigate WebRTC implementation differences across multiple platforms and clients to provide the most consistent user experience
  • Participate in UX / Product design process by conducting quantitative and qualitative user interviews to measure the performance of user interfaces and to validate business ideas

Senior Software Developer, ChemAxon

Nov 2012 - Oct 2015

  • As a member of an agile team I was working on a product used in the research and development of medicines
  • Refactored a jQuery based front-end into a scalable, testable single page application with AngularJS
  • Built Selenium testing into CI pipeline to reduce release times and improve the stability of the application
  • Pair-programming with new team members to speed up the onboarding process and to solve complex full-stack problems
  • Standardized Agile/Scrum User Story format to improve communication between Product Owners, Developers and Application Scientists

Senior Front-end developer, Wunderman

Jan 2010 - Sep 2011

  • Developed digital assets for marketing campaigns for the clients of the agency, Ford, Nokia and Microsoft
  • Supported marketing campaigns, pitches with wireframes, mockups, specifications and estimations
  • Briefing and technical support for outsorced projects

Flash Developer, Self-employed

Jan 2009 - Sep 2011

  • Developed rich media applications, games and animation-heavy interactive experiences for digital marketing campaigns
  • Developed augmented reality experiences in the browser (Adobe Flash) and for live installations (OpenFrameworks)
  • Delivering an award-winning interactive application with user-input based image generation

Fullstack Web Developer, Self-employed

Mar 2002 - Sep 2008

  • Full-stack web development with Drupal, Symphony and jQuery
  • Managed clients from small to medium size business entitites
  • Implemented an image color search algorithm with client-side image processing for a contemporary art rental business

Sitebuilder Internship, Ltd.

Sep 1999 - Mar 2002

  • Developed templates for PHP modules of the Hungarian Film Institute web portal
  • Sitebuilding static microsites for Hungarian movie premiers

Skills & Competencies


  • Dart
  • Python
  • TypeScript / JavaScript
  • Java / Kotlin
  • Bash
  • MySQL


  • Flutter / BLoC
  • React / Redux
  • React Native / MobX
  • Spring
  • Express.js
  • Tailwind


  • Expertise in software design and architecture
  • Proeficiency in developing, maintaining and refactoring large codebases
  • Strong knowledge of structurizing and writing tests for different layers of an application
  • Knowledge of Agile methodologies
  • Experience with CI/CD pipelines
  • Writing technical documentation and knowledge transfer
  • Resolve and optimize UI performance bottlenecks
  • Collaboration and teamwork

Software & Services

  • IntelliJ Idea
  • XCode
  • Android Studio
  • GCP / Firebase
  • Github / Atlassian
  • Docker


  • Dhyana - Meditation Timer (2024)

    I'm developing a simple meditation timer with a twist of a virtual community to inspire people practicing at home not just on retreats. I plan to donate this application to an existing community.
  • Trading bots (2021)

    Chasing the wild goose, by trying to find the ultimate trading algorithm that yields profit in every trend. Backtesting, data mangling and Tensorflow.
  • I was really into graphics programming at that time, so I've written my own linear algebra library in modern C++ to learn how exactly computers are generating pixels on a screen.
